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Heretat el Padruell Cava Brut

Heretat el Padruell Cava Brut

Descubra la excelencia en cada burbuja con el 'Heretat el Padruell Cava Brut' de EspaƱa. Un cava fresco y vibrante con notas frutales y florales sutiles, ideal para amantes del buen vino.
ā€¢ Galardones Destacados: DECANTER: 90/100 || International Wine Challenge: Bronze Winner
ā€¢ Tipo: Cava Ā»
ā€¢ Bodega: Heretat El Padruell Ā»
ā€¢ RegiĆ³n: Cava Ā»
ā€¢ PaĆ­s: EspaƱa Ā»
Regular price ā‚” 6.800,00 CRC
Regular price Sale price ā‚” 6.800,00 CRC
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  • Origin : Crafted in the vibrant heart of Catalonia, Spain, Heretat El Padruell Brut Cava embodies the region's rich winemaking tradition.
  • Varietal Composition : A classic blend of Macabeo, XarelĀ·lo and Parellada, from vines with an average age of 25 years.
  • Production : This exquisite cava undergoes the traditional method of second fermentation in the bottle, ensuring a fine and persistent bubble. Aged in cellars under strict conditions of darkness and silence for more than 12 months to perfect its unique character.
  • Alcohol Content : A pleasant 11.5%, offering a lighter, more refreshing experience.
  • Awards : Bronze at the International Wine and Spirits Competition 2020, Silver and 90pts at the Decanter World Wine Awards 2019.

About Heretat El Padruell
Heretat El Padruell stands as a beacon of Catalan oenological excellence, combining generations of tradition with meticulous winemaking techniques. The selection of the best grapes and the careful and patient ageing process reflect the winery's commitment to producing cavas that are not just wines, but celebrations of life itself.

Tasting Notes

Heretat El Padruell Brut Cava is a symphony of vibrant notes of green apple and lemon, intertwined with herbal touches, creating a sparkling wine of unparalleled elegance. Its straw-yellow colour with golden reflections and fine, rising bubbles lead to a palate where pastries and nuts meet the freshness of citrus, culminating in a creamy but dry and long finish.

Tips to Enjoy

  • Cocktails: 8 Refreshing Cocktails for a Sublime Summer
  • Food pairing : This cava is an ideal aperitif and pairs wonderfully with smoked salmon, caviar and a variety of appetizers, enhancing the joy of starting any meal. Serve chilled at 4Ā° - 6Ā°C to fully enjoy its delicate mousse and elegant finish.

The Difference is in the Details

From the gentle pressing of the grapes to the meticulous aging process, every step in the making of Heretat El Padruell Brut Cava is designed to achieve a sparkling wine that balances vibrant fruitiness with the complexity and elegance of traditional cava. Enjoy the charm of the Spanish vineyards with every sip. Heretat El Padruell Brut Cava is not just a wine; it is an invitation to experience the lively and youthful spirit of Catalonia. Whether creating a festive atmosphere or adding a touch of romance to your evening, this cava promises a surprising and enchanting wine experience, acclaimed by critics and connoisseurs alike.

Professional Assessments

  • " (2014) A terrific price currently on a really good Cava from M&S, made from the traditional grapes of Macabeo, Xarel.lo and Parellada, from vines that are 25 years old on average. With a low 7.5g/l dosage it is herbaceous, pungent stuff with plenty of verve and character, and an abundant, mouth-filling mousse and texture. Creamy and full in the mouth it is packed with flavor, creamy richness but dry and long in the finish. Tom Cannavan

  • " (2016) It's rare to find good Cava at this price, but this is elegant, expressive and full of typical green apple, lemon and herb notes. Other than being a bit drier than most everyday cavas, it's an absolute classic. " - 90/100, Decanter

  • " (2021) Creamy tropical fruits and bananas, delicate mousse, with melon notes and elegant finish. " - Bronze Winner, International Wine Challenge


  • Origen: Elaborado en el vibrante corazĆ³n de CataluƱa, EspaƱa, Heretat El Padruell Brut Cava encarna la rica tradiciĆ³n vitivinĆ­cola de la regiĆ³n.
  • ComposiciĆ³n Varietal: Un coupage clĆ”sico de Macabeo, XarelĀ·lo y Parellada, procedente de viƱas con una edad media de 25 aƱos.
  • ElaboraciĆ³n: Este exquisito cava se somete al mĆ©todo tradicional de segunda fermentaciĆ³n en botella, asegurando una burbuja fina y persistente. Envejecido en bodegas bajo estrictas condiciones de oscuridad y silencio durante mĆ”s de 12 meses para perfeccionar su carĆ”cter Ćŗnico.
  • Contenido de Alcohol: Un agradable 11,5%, que ofrece una experiencia mĆ”s ligera y refrescante.
  • Premios: Bronce en el Concurso Internacional de Vinos y Licores 2020, Plata y 90pts en el Decanter World Wine Awards 2019.

Acerca de Heretat El Padruell
Heretat El Padruell se erige como un faro de excelencia enolĆ³gica catalana, combinando generaciones de tradiciĆ³n con meticulosas tĆ©cnicas de vinificaciĆ³n. La selecciĆ³n de las mejores uvas y el cuidadoso y paciente proceso de crianza reflejan el compromiso de la bodega por elaborar cavas que no sean sĆ³lo vinos, sino celebraciones de la vida misma.

Notas de Cata

Heretat El Padruell Brut Cava es una sinfonĆ­a de vibrantes notas de manzana verde y limĆ³n, entrelazadas con toques herbĆ”ceos, creando un vino espumoso de una elegancia inigualable. Su color amarillo pajizo con reflejos dorados y burbuja fina y ascendente conduce a un paladar donde la pastelerĆ­a y los frutos secos se encuentran con el frescor de los cĆ­tricos, culminando en un final cremoso pero seco y largo.

Consejos para Disfrutar

  • CoctelerĆ­a: 8 Cocteles Refrescantes para un Verano Sublime
  • Maridaje: Este cava es un aperitivo ideal y combina maravillosamente con salmĆ³n ahumado, caviar y una variedad de aperitivos, realzando la alegrĆ­a de comenzar cualquier comida. Sirva frĆ­o a 4Ā° - 6Ā°C para disfrutar plenamente de su delicada mousse y su elegante final.

La Diferencia estĆ” en los Detalles

Desde el suave prensado de las uvas hasta el meticuloso proceso de envejecimiento, cada paso en la elaboraciĆ³n de Heretat El Padruell Brut Cava estĆ” diseƱado para lograr un vino espumoso que equilibre la vibrante frutalidad con la complejidad y elegancia del cava tradicional. Disfruta del encanto de los viƱedos espaƱoles con cada sorbo. Heretat El Padruell Brut Cava no es sĆ³lo un vino; es una invitaciĆ³n a experimentar el espĆ­ritu vivo y juvenil de CataluƱa. Ya sea creando un ambiente festivo o aƱadiendo un toque de romance a su velada, este cava promete una experiencia enolĆ³gica sorprendente y encantadora, aclamada tanto por crĆ­ticos como por conocedores.

Evaluaciones ProfesionalesĀ 

  • "(2014) A terrific price currently on a really good Cava from M&S, made from the traditional grapes of Macabeo, Xarel.lo and Parellada, from vines that are 25 years old on average. With a low 7.5g/l dosage it is herbaceous, pungent stuff with plenty of verve and character, and an abundant, mouth-filling mousse and texture. Creamy and full in the mouth it is packed with flavour, creamy richness but dry and long in the finish." - 87/100, Tom Cannavan

  • "(2016) Itā€™s rare to find good Cava at this price, but this is elegant, expressive and full of typical green apple, lemon and herb notes. Other than being a bit drier than most everyday cavas, itā€™s an absolute classic." - 90/100, Decanter

  • "(2021) Creamy tropical fruits and bananas, delicate mousse, with melon notes and elegant finish." -Ā Bronze Winner, International Wine Challenge

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